Review of The Rules of Enchantment by Wendy Tardieu

Hey you cute little word nerds! Hope all is well! Life has been hectic over here for a hot minute but that does not mean we can’t get some quality reading done! I have been juggling Rules of Enchantment with a couple of other books for a hot minute and I was finally able to find my groove and buckle down!

When a Sorcerer and a Scribe Team Up to Fulfill an Ancient Prophecy, The Fate of The World Lies in Their Hands

In the mythical kingdom of Salyndria, an exiled sorcerer named Leith plots to overthrow the restrictions placed on the use of magic by the Academy. Suspecting the worst, the Academy sends a beautiful young scribe, Kyler, to be his apprentice and act as an unwitting spy.Leith tries to drive her away by proving his reputation as a vicious and unforgiving master, but he soon discovers his new pupil is far more useful than she appears. As her charms and magical abilities become all too tempting for him to resist, the two join forces to fulfill a hidden prophecy that will grant them incredible power.Together, the sorcerer and the scribe will change Salyndria’s history forever.Their story is equally sinister and sensual, a romantic dark fantasy adventure full of suspense and surprises.

From the author’s website

So I will start out by saying that I was given a copy of this book for an honest review. With that being said, I was actually pleasantly surprised. I had not previously heard of Wendy Tardieu but I love a good fantasy read so I figured why not give it a shot? It is marketed towards readers who are a fan of fantasy and erotica. While there were a few sex scenes I do not think I would call this a book erotica per se but that definitely is not a negative in my book. The book is a little less than 200 pages in total and I am not going to lie… I WAS SO NERVOUS!! The story was so good and captivating that I thought there was NO WAY that the story could be wrapped up in such a way that I wouldn’t be angry.

YOU GUYS!!! Wendy crushed it!! She made a story with characters that you actually care about and did it in such a way that I found myself wanting more of the story but also very pleasantly surprised in how the book ended. This was such an awesome experience and overall I can say with confidence that I will be picking up more work by Wendy Tardeiu.

Here is the link to the book:
The Rules of Enchantment – Wendy Tardieu

Here is the TCK Publishing website link:

And here is the author’s website:

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